Why You Need Social Media for 2020 and A Gift For You!
You’ve probably thought to yourself, “I can post on social media every so often, why do I need to pay someone else to do it?” We get this question a ton when talking with prospective clients and our answer is do you love social media enough to take time away from YOUR day to make it perfect and learn the ins and outs and algorithm changes and trends?
Most likely that answer is no because you started your business andyou are passionate about your product or serving others; not social media. So why not dedicate some more of your time to what you TRULY love doing and be ok with reaching out for help in the facets of business that you are not passionate about.
We can attest that it will make you happier because you are focusing on the things you love and probably excel in the most and helps your business grow in ways you could not predict!
Social media has become a 2020 business MUST! Our team truly believes that it is just about the equivalent to a website but in much more digestible bits and visually appeasing segments! Think about it, you know as a business owner that you NEED a website and we totally agree! But you also need a good foundation on your social media platforms, because whether you like it or not, customers are turning to social media to LEARN, HEAR and SEE all about what you do!
Did you know that the average attention span went from 8 to 7 seconds in the last two years! That means you only have 7 seconds to impress a prospective buyer or client and we can bet you they won’t be reading the paragraphs and paragraphs of text you have on your website.
They instead want to be able to go to one place and in a glance see what your business looks like, what your products or services look like, hear from some happy customers and see who you are! With strategically showing off who you are and what you do on your social media platforms, you will grow your brand and your business! We truly believe that 2020 is going to be a great year of changes and growth for social media, so why not join in the fun and say YES to making your business thrive and serve others!
1. If not now then WHEN?
2. Algorithms are changing as we speak and could continue to change, so why not get ahead now!
3. A new year means we start again at 0, which means you have a lot of growing and planning to do!
4. You’ll have more time to get back to running your business and focusing on what you love to do while we take care of the rest!
PLUS, our team has a special offer for you this year to help jump start your social media game and get rolling for 2020! We are launching our FIRST EVER BLACK FRIDAY SALE!
That’s right you read that correctly!!! With the launch of this fancy new site- designed with love by our wonderful designer Kara Layne- you are currently reading this blog post on we thought there was no better way to celebrate than with BLACK FRIDAY!
We will be offering 15% off our social media services and have some spots open for the rest of Q4 and into Q1! We have never offered this before and this is the lowest our prices will be all year! So mark your calendars and get ready to invest into your social media to really harness it’s true power for 2020!
Let’s do this!!