5 Tips on How To Create Your Instagram Bio In Minutes!


Have you ever just stared at that blank screen in your Instagram app thinking what to write to best describe what you do? You only have a limited number of characters but want to make sure you make an impact? Or maybe you feel like words don’t describe what you do well enough to put in your bio?

When you are scrolling through Instagram and diving into new brands and businesses, we are sure you’ve based your decision on whether you are going to stay on the page or not by their bio. In a way your Instagram bio is the first impression everyone will get when popping onto your feed, so what the heck do you say?

Some would even say that your Instagram Bio is the make it or break it moment on if you’ve drawn in that user or lost them completely. No pressure, right?

Writing your Instagram bio can be overwhelming and you can be pretty unsure that you’ve crafted the right bio for your audience once it’s published! Even though there are thousands of ways you can write an, Instagram bio and hundreds of emojis to choose from you still need to be sure you are showing off your WOW factor when people first pop onto your profile.

Our team writes multiple bios a day and updates countless of our clients when we think it’s time for a refresh. The best part about your Instagram bio is that you can change it whenever you like! But if you’re still stressing over those few sentences and wanting a simple formula to write a KICK BUTT bio in under 5 minutes you’ve come to the right place!

5 Tips on How To Create Your Instagram Bio In Minutes!

1.     Be Sure To Put What You Do In The First Five Words

This step is crucial for Instagram Bios because you only have 7 seconds to impress someone landing on your feed; make them count!

People are reading less and less these days so what you say in the first sentence of your Instagram bio better be to the point and understandable! Something as easy as what your business is about or who you are will do. Make sure to keep it simple and concise enough that people get who you are and what you do in an instant. In that instant you are already letting them into your brand and who you are as a company or professional.

For us at MeyCo Marketing we want to make sure you know within 2 seconds that we are a digital marketing agency. It doesn’t sound swanky or super fancy but it’s simple, it gives users that context they need to digest our Instagram feed and keys them in to what services we may offer WAY before they see our work.

2.     Add In What Makes You Unique or Stand Out Amongst the Crowd

Ok, you’ve introduced what your business does and we are betting people have seen a handful of similar business. Now it’s time to separate you from the crowd and make you memorable! Studies show that 73% of buyers will pick a business or service that they can relate to or remembered from something personal. That means you have the opportunity to share who you are, why you started your business, or even what makes you tick!

So talk about something that makes you unique! Maybe it’s where you are located or what your favorite thing to do in the office is! Whatever it is, have a little fun with it and remember you can always change it later!

Our MeyCo Marketing team jokes that you will constantly hear music coming from our office and smell lots and lots of coffee… or tea in our CEO Catherine’s case. So we want to share that! We want people to remember us for loving our Spotify workflow days and can relate to needing a little extra caffeine every morning to get us going! You can do the same thing in your bio!

3.     Be Sure to List What You Are Best Known For

Ok, now here comes the good stuff! Your Instagram bio should inform new users and your followers what you are known for! For example, if you are known for selling t-shirts, then you should include that information in your bio.

Every business has a specialty and a niche that could separate you from your competitors. Don’t assume users will figure that out from your feed make sure you TELL THEM! Help it stick in their brain that you are the expert in this! This also makes it SUPER easy for readers to envision your business solving their problem to the pain point they are currently having in their day to day life.

 We like to list our best sellers in between some bullet points, but guess what those may change from time to time! That’s great, you are growing and introducing new products and services into your business so be sure to highlight that!

4.     Use the Hashtag Feature

If you are not familiar with this, it’s a feature where you can hashtag something you do or maybe what your products are and your profile will be linked to this hashtag. So anytime someone searches for a hashtag your profile may pop up!

When using the hashtag feature in your Instagram bio, you can tag yourself as an exclusive provider of something! This definitely interests new users and makes you pop up in users searches when they are looking for businesses like you!

Our MeyCo team likes to change this monthly with our clients! Most of the time you have a seasonal sale or a new product you are offering for a limited time. Changing up your hashtags are key to staying fresh and reaching more users that sticking with one hashtag for months.

5.     Throw In An Emoji

Incorporating an emoji in your bio gives you a splash of color and diversity. So right there you are enticing the user to keep reading. Also, when you use an emoji that fits your brand, it allows users to understand what you do in less than 7 seconds. Hook, Line and Sinker.

You’ve not only just explained what you do and who you are in a few sentences but you’ve brought in an emoji to help that hit home and make it fun! Because at the end of the day, social media is supposed to be fun, right?

Depending on your branding some businesses may not opt for an emoji and that’s ok! We are not saying an emoji is a necessary part to your Instagram Bio but can be an asset when used correctly.


Key Takeaways:

Your Instagram Bio is really important when it comes to introducing yourself to new users and inviting them into your feed to become a follower. With that being said, your Instagram bio should be fun, clear, concise and malleable. As your business changes, so should your bio. You can change it every month or one a year but refreshing it will help you impress new users quicker and show off how great you and your business is! Still unsure of what to say, no worries! We have put together an Instagram Bio Guide for you to use and revamp your Instagram bio in under 5 minutes!

Be sure to check it out!


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