Small Business Social Distancing Checklist
As a small business owner in California everything might be up in the air right now, but re-opening is on the horizon. It’s better to get your business prepared than feel unprepared and not ready for when the time comes to re-open your doors. To help you out, our team has created a Small Business Social Distancing Checklist for Re-Opening! This will help you dot your I’s and cross your T’s.
To help you out in your time of uncertainty, we have made this 3-phase checklist to get you ready for reopening and help you breeze through once you do reopen.
Much of this has to do with being PREPARED! We cannot stress how important it is to be over prepared especially with your social media marketing efforts.
Pre-Opening (Indefinite time before opening)
Slowly start acquiring more cleaning supplies so you’re over stocked by the time you reopen (then you won’t have to worry about running out).
Step up your social game by pushing products, curbside pickup posts and featuring your staff more to drum up excitement about reopening.
Set up, or beef up, an email drip campaign strategy (we have found the most effective social media strategies are those that are coupled with a good email drip campaign).
Run giveaways for favorite products, future treatments, or gift cards.
2 Weeks Until Opening:
Make sure you have your future orders placed for your PPE and cleaning equipment to ensure you always have more coming in.
Start planning out 1-2 months worth of social posts because as soon as you’re open, you will likely be busier than before. We suggest planning 4 posts per week with the imagery and captions you would like to use, leaving one spot open for updates/ weekly announcements.
Set up a waitlist where patients can request certain days/times that work best for them so they can be scheduled as soon as possible.
Plan out an email blast schedule for the next 1-2 months. We suggest 2-3 emails per month schedule to ensure patients are up to date on latest procedures, deals, and updates from your business.
One Week Until Opening:
Start scheduling posts that you have planned out for opening weeks. You will be so busy and caught up in getting back into a routine that posting might be forgotten.
The first week open: CONGRATS!
You should have your social strategy in order and set for this first week so you can focus on your business. Be sure to snap photos when possible and do a couple stories about how excited you are to be back open and seeing patients.
This week just focus on your business, any new operating protocols, staff and your patients.
Second week open:
Time to ensure you are staying AHEAD of everything by continuing to create posts a few weeks in advance. This ensures that you are prepared and ready for when things come up and you can’t work on your marketing one week.
Send out an email blast highlighting what a successful week you had and how patients can book their future appointments.
Be sure to stress the new safety protocols you have in place to reassure all of your patients that your office is completely safe
It is absolutely essential to continue posting throughout re-opening just in case you do get shut down again, like what happened in California. If you stop posting while you reopen customers and clients might migrate to someone else who continues posting. Stay top-of-mind and in front of your clients and potential clients at all times, with consistent postings and a solid digital plan. Hang in there and keep doing what you are doing! We know it’s been a wacky few months, but it’s never been more important to have a social media presence and plan!