5 Ways You Can Streamline your Branding on Social Media
Social media can be a whirlwind of platforms and planning! You’ve got to worry about Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, IGTV, Pinterest, TikTok… the list goes on.
And of course, all of the image sizes differ and the algorithms never synch up. You may feel like your head is spinning trying to figure out which social platforms are best for you and what you can handle!
First and foremost, focus on mastering two or even three. Get into a groove and sign up on one social platform and get familiar with it! Social media takes time and it’s a labor of love that needs time for you to nurture and to learn the ropes. So be patient and start getting your social strategy together and take on social media in bite size pieces. The MeyCo team always advises taking on the “Three Musketeers” of Instagram, Facebook and YouTube to get started.
Ok, so you’re all set and you are more familiar with each platform, how they differ and how you are going to create you strategy for each platform. Now, it’s time to talk about making sure your branding is concise, easy to recognize and streamlined when it comes to the clients experience with your business on social media!
We stress this, because consumers in 2020 need streamlined, easily thought through processes in order to recognize a brand. They want to familiarize themselves with your brand through a carefully laid out plan you have thought of for months on end, but it only takes the consumer minutes to accomplish. Nothing turns a new social media visitor around than confusion, so that’s the first thing you have to make sure to STOP! Take a peek at the MeyCo Marketing Team’s tricks on how to streamline your branding across your social media platforms to minimize confusion and maximize ROI!
5 Ways You Can Streamline Your Branding on Social Media
1. Keep Your Logo the Same Across All Platforms
We cannot stress this enough!!! It’s your job as a cohesive brand to make the customers’ experience with your business is as streamlined and easy to follow as possible! You want to be recognizable across all your platforms by your ideal client and the #1 mistake we see from brands is not keeping their logo the same across their social media platforms and website! It’s a really simple fix to make sure you are implementing, but will make a huge difference when it comes to brand recognition and your ideal clients finding you on all realms of the digital space.
2. Make sure your usernames are the SAME
This goes hand-in-hand with your logo being streamlined. Keeping your usernames as close to your company name across your social profiles is really important. It not only gets your ideal client to only remember one username but it also helps them look you up quickly and even share your work with a friend when they are just chatting. We know, sometimes your business username will be taken on Instagram or Facebook- so modify it slightly, possibly with an underscore or symbol, but be sure to use this SAME username across all platforms.
3. Stick with one profile per platform
Once again, you want the client’s journey to learn, see and hear about your business to be streamlined and easy to follow. So, it’s important to establish the “hub” for your business on each social platform. That way consumers don’t get confused with your message, who you are and where they can find you. Now, in some cases it may make sense to have multiple profiles on a platform, but if you are going that route be sure to show clear distinctions between your profiles and what each profiles purpose is for your clients. (ex. To share their experience, to learn about your products, to get educational tools)
4. Pick Your Top Services and Stick to Them
We get it, offering new services is REALLY exciting but don’t let it overshadow the foundation of your business and what people recognize you for. Make it very clear in your bios and intro videos that your business is known for x, y and z but that you also offer these other wonderful services! Not only will this help you serve your niche market (which is a whole other topic that we encourage our clients to focus on), but it also keeps your business simple and easy to understand. Are you seeing a theme here yet?
5. Get A Brand Guide to Stick to
It sounds silly, but establishing your branding colors, typography and themes is REALLY important when presenting all of your amazing goods and services to your clients! People judge a book by it’s cover and you want your cover to be THE BEST! It also comes in handy when you add more team members to your business, who will need to make sure they are representing your brand correctly in YouTube videos, Instagram stories and blog posts! So, make sure you come up with your branding guidelines, or even get in contact with us and we can create a simple and easy to follow brand guide for your business!
The Skim
Our main point we want to get across to you is to keep your myriad of social profiles SIMPLE and SIMILAR! Nothing gets more confusing to a consumer than four of five social profiles that don’t sync up or have similar enough information for them to assess your company and whether or not they want to purchase your products or services! Stick to your brand guide, keep your logos and usernames the same and provide digestible information on all of your platforms for new clients! You do that and you are well on your way to increasing your social media growth and increasing not only your brand recognition but also your yearly sales!