Custom Wordpress Website for Aesthetic Device Company Monarch Laser Services
We were so excited to tackle this project for our client Monarch Laser Services! They are the leader in aesthetic device rentals, sales and practice consulting on the West Coast and wanted to enter the new year with a new look!
After about four years of their current website, they were ready to move into 2020 with a fresh new look! We first underwent a branding assessment with them to really focus on what their new sales and business goals were for 2020! Our design team, made some slight changes to their branding colors and revamped their social media platforms.
From there, we got to tackle their website! Now, re-vamping a website from scratch is not the easiest if you don’t have a strong Wordpress understanding. We do recommend using Squarespace or Showit for business owners diving into the realm of website design. Our personal favorite is a company called GoLive HQ, who specializes in customizable Squarespace designs and templates to fit any business!
We took some time to restyle their website and relaunch a plethora of new services and products they represent. In every page and detail, you can see their professionalism, extensive knowledge of the aesthetic industry and get to know who they are- it’s PROFESSIONAL, CLEAN AND SLEEK!
“ I knew they understood what we were looking for and had the knowledge to take it to the next level. We are very happy with the new site and send all of our new customers to it!”